How Blogs Increase Your Website Visitors

February 26,2016 - Posted by Admin

There are a tons of ways to market your business online. One of the most popular and most sought out method is via blogging. Marketers call this inbound marketing. It’s a marketing method that allows people to come to you rather than the other way around. In this strategy, marketers produce high quality website contents to increase traffic.

Ideally, your posts should be closely-related to your business trade. For example, if you are in the business of developing websites, the best way to attract visitors is to produce IT-related contents. Remember, people come to your website because they are looking for a specific information.

Having a blog section on your website will give visitors a lot of options to choose from your various posts. Remember, they are looking for a specific information? If you incorporate your blog on your website, you can have a display of numerous high quality contents related to your business trade; your visitors will have loads of information to learn from.

With the statistics HubSpot gave, nearly 46% of web users read blogs more than twice a day and 82% of marketers who engage in daily blog posting acquired new customers. By integrating a blog section on your website, not only does this increase your web visitors, it also increases your chance to convert your audience into potential clients.

Here are the top reasons why incorporating a blog section on your website will increase your web visitors:

  1. People Look for Information

    The internet contains lots of information that are easily accessible to web users. People go online because they need information about something. Incorporating a blog section on your website will allow visitors to get access to different data related to your business. Not only do they learn more about your products and services, they also learn additional insights through your blog posts.

    But what really makes a good content? You should work on the quality of each post you publish online. With careful thought and thorough research, each post must contain valuable data. Your goal is to gain new visitors while maintaining your loyal ones using high quality contents. To do this, there are lots of factors to work on:

    • Your content title must pique the interest of your readers.
    • Your content must be unique and original. You must reveal something new to your audience on every time you publish a post.
    • It must provide accurate data and statistics with proper source citation. People need to see you as an authoritative site.
    • Your content must answer specific questions particularly trending issues that affect your business.
    • It must be conversational and engaging. You want people to actively participate on the comment section.
    • Your content must contain shareable thoughts and ideas to keep your readers entertained.
    • It must create a discussion among readers or spark a friendly debate.
    • You must keep your readers hooked until the end.

    You want a content that screams information while allowing your visitors to participate amongst each other in an educational discussion. With the guidelines above, you can produce powerful contents that will draw more visitors.

  2. People are Visual

    One of the major components of a great blog post is the presence of a compelling image alongside with it. In the world of technology, people have become impatient. Information filled with words don’t get retained anymore. No one will read a long boring post with no images with it any longer. Because people are visual, they expect images on your post to speak volumes about your subject matter. Recently, infographics have become increasingly popular. With this technique, content writers can utilize the power of images together with gripping image texts to attract more visitors to the site.

  3. People Look for Credibility

    If your posts are filled with accurate and correct data, your visitors will come back for more, anticipating your upcoming posts. Producing precise information will intensify your credibility online. People will trust you if your information is reliable and well thought out. If your posts consist of unique and creative topics, lots of your followers will see you as an authoritative site when it comes to posting good contents. For example, when people want to learn more about inbound marketing, most of them rely on HubSpot, because it’s a good site that is backed by multiple web users visible through comments and its rank on search engines. They own the words “inbound marketing.” When you type these words, HubSpot appears on the first page of Google. With each of your post consisting valuable pieces of information, more visitors will visit your site to learn more from you.

  4. People Find Connections Online

    People are constantly glued to their computer screens, busy chatting with multiple friends and even strangers. If you produce engaging, high quality posts, you allow your readers to spark a discussion. With your accurate and credible data, people will talk about you. And one measure of a high quality content is its number of share ability.

  5. People Don’t Want to Be Left Out

    People connect online to get the latest ideas and trends. If you constantly publish posts that are relevant to the present, people will visit your site more often. With lots of enthusiastic innovators around, ideas and information reach online within seconds. New information today will be obsolete tomorrow. As the writer of your contents, you must be observant of your surroundings with a keen eye for new opportunities to share with everyone else. With fresh contents, more web users will be attracted to your site.

Like any products and services, they must cater to the need of the market. Blog posts follow the same rule. Each post must cater to your audience. But remember, your blog section is there because you want to share new information to your readers. You don’t want to bombard your audience with too much sales pitch. Ever wonder why people hate salesmen? It’s because the moment they open their mouth, they start to sell to their clients without even trying to understand what they need. Engage with your readers by giving them a thought provoking content posts that will attract their attention.

Blogging about your business will surely increase your online exposure. Do you have any useful insights to add to this post? Let us know your thoughts and suggestions!